singers investigating opera
SINGTANK is a singer-led initiative of Victory Hall Opera that seeks to be an estuary of new ideas and fresh thinking about opera. A think tank that can infuse our industry with new language, data, and actionable steps to structural reform. We believe that, as the chief practitioners of our art form in crisis, we must be the ones to lead it forward into a new era.
Singers are natural leaders who have so much more to offer than our voices. We are musicians, actors, linguists, scholars, publicists. In its first 3 years, SINGTANK harnessed singers’ collective brilliance by convening annual Summits of diverse opera singers to engage in candid debate and discussion, to find new solutions and better ways forward. Our Policy Reports, based on our Summits and subsequent research, were shared widely with industry guilds and stakeholders, and are available for download here.
Moving forward in 2025, SINGTANK is focussed on the singer as activist and entrepreneur. To this end, we are co-producing a film about Young Artist experiences and conditions (YAPs), and are developing an arts-entrepreneurship incubator program for singers.
Click below to learn more about SINGTANK, or sign up for our quarterly Newsletter to count yourself as a Member. Join us as we move in solidarity towards a more equitable, healthy, creatively vibrant, artist-centered industry.
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The Valkyries (of Marvel Comics).
SINGTANK Co-founders
VHO & SINGTANK thank the Williams Mullen Law Firm for their pro bono services.