VHO Performance History, 2015-2024

Opera improv night!

Tales with guitar 'round the fire.

Wine & song pairings at Barboursville Vineyards

Rosenkavalier in a contemporary staging & new chamber reduction

Opera Improv II

"Dichterliebe" immersively staged in a suburban home, and a "Frauenliebe" with new lesbian poetry

"Australian Outback Psychic" Kim Potts reads audience members' tarot cards with the help of messengers from the beyond

A new dystopian play by Jennifer Hoyt Tidwell surrounds a scene from Tristan & Isolde

American premiere of Rameau's "Achante et Céphise, ou la Sympathie", with hiphop dance

Found marginalia inspires this VHO commission by Matt Boehler, staged in UVA's Alderman Library

Staged performance in Jefferson's Monticello, bringing the house's history to life in an immersive musico-soundscape

Opera Improv III

Privileged children Hansel & Gretel wake up in another reality, in Menotti's The Medium. Collaboration with Light House Studio

International Modular Set Design Competition, hosted by VHO & VMDO Architects

Sally Hemings after Monticello: with film installation by Marisa Williamson, and local documentary West Main St

Five Black women artists & scholars discuss what "Sally Hemings" means to them

Music from the Victorian Parlor. Staged at The National Gallery in D.C.

VA Premiere of Haydn's last & greatest opera

Deaf actors & opera singers perform scenes from Dialogues of the Carmelites

Developmental workshop for VHO's new opera commission by Matt Boehler
"Operamentary" feature film created by VHO's cast of La Traviata, documenting their lives as singers during the pandemic

Vocal & instrumental works immersively performed in a former soapstone quarry

A grandmother's memoir, found in a garden shed, brought to life. (Cancelled due to COVID)

Opera in the quarry returns for a second summer

World Premiere Commission by Matt Boehler & Miriam Gordon-Stewart, based on the play by Neil LaBute

Troupe member Janinah Burnett brings her band of jazz all-stars to C'ville for an incredible night of "clazz" fusion

VHO's groundbreaking Deaf opera in March 2023, feat. Gluck's "Orfeo ed Euridice" and a new play in ASL by Miriam Gordon-Stewart (with Willy Conley) & poetry by Gregory Orr.
VHO takes Ned Rorem's confessional, epic masterpiece on Tour in Fall 2023.

Our 3rd immersive concert series in the Quarry Gardens of Schuyler

Groundbreaking documentary film about the true lives of young singers across America. In development/ filming 2024, release planned Spring 2025.